Meet BRAD's Creators:

Dylan Speiser

Favorite Things: Computers, space, broadway, gaming, food, the color blue

Dylan has always thought like an engineer, for basically his entire life. In addition to coding in 9 different languages and building CPUs in Minecraft, Dylan enjoys asking big questions about how and why the universe works. When he's not busy contemplating life or making movies, you can probably find Dylan playing games on his PC or watching YouTube.

Max Burgida

Favorite Things: Basketball, lacrosse, movies, acting, gaming, eating, sleeping

Max has been immersed in engineering almost his whole life and is extremely excited to be continuing next year at the University of Michigan's School of Engineering. When he's not studying or playing sports, you'll find him usually hanging out with friends or watching movies.

Adam Goldberg

Favorite Things: Friends, gaming, computers, the color green, astrophysics, comedy

Adam has always had a knack for technology, and technology has always had a knack for him. He loves group projects, too. When he's not making the entirety of the American population laugh, he's hanging out with friends and laughing with them.

Brad: The Website Ⓒ 2021